BE - 4460 Horion-Hozémont
+ 32 00 0471 49 34 11

Management of all your missions


The management and follow-up of all your assignments with Missions-Manager


Missions-Manager is based on experience in managing assignments in the auditing sector and is now available to meet the requirements and needs of the sector in order to monitor all of your assignments on a daily basis and linked to the ISQM 1 & 2 standard. Missions-Manager also enables you to manage all your assignments efficiently, as well as all related actions, through real-time and periodic monitoring.



ISQM-Manager is based on experience in risk management
and is now available to meet the multiple needs of the auditing sector in order to follow the ISQM 1 & 2 Quality Standard (international standard) on a daily basis, which is fully integrated into the software in several languages, and to make you effective in the management of quality, risks, risk responses and all related actions within your company, practice and/or network by means of real-time and periodic monitoring.



Your business software to support you day after day.

Your missions

All your missions UNLIMITED
linked to the main objectives of
ISQM 1 & 2 standards, which involve improving the robustness
of control systems.


Our company at your service
to optimise all your business missions through
quality and risk management.

Subscription Missions-Manager

Link to the subscription page for use
of the MISSIONS-Manager.

MISSIONS-Manager Continuous Improvement

Following numerous discussions with auditors and auditing firms, we have put in place :
Listening to users : We are very attentive to the demands and requirements of the profession in order to respond positively to expectations and enrich the ISQM-Manager & Missions-Manager software day after day.
Improvements : We have already been able to collect new requests and integrate them directly into
MISSIONS-Manager for even more effective day-to-day use.
Cost reduction : Thanks to discussions with the profession, we have also been able to reduce the cost of using ISQM-Manager & Missions-Manager.


Why Missions-Manager

The general aim of this new module is to pursue efforts to improve the management of all your assignments in line with professional practice, and at the same time to reinforce the crucial role of financial experts in creating economic stability and confidence among all the economic and social players in our country.

The Experts

Together with our experts, we have defined and integrated all the most common assignment models, to ensure that we are as close as possible to your day-to-day business.

What does Missions-Manager do?

Manage all your missions day after day in a single tool.

Complete management of special CSA missions

1.1  Scope of application :

Management of assignments such as:

  • Legal transformation
  • Issuance of new shares
  • Issuance of convertible bonds
  • Issue below the fraction value
  • Change of share class
  • Interim dividend
  • Net asset test
  • Liquidity and solvency test
  • Limitation of the right of registration
  • Merger/Divorce
  • Capital increase in contribution in kind
  • Contribution in kind for the formation of a company
  • Quasi-contribution
  • Liquidation in one operation
  • Liquidation (ISA)
  • Commissioner’s mandate: offer
  • Commissioner’s mandate: conservation
  • Commissioner’s mandate: Tasks related to ISQM in implementation

Possibility to set up your own assignments (legal or non-legal tasks, such as assignments from experts for the prosecution).


1.2   Documentation

For all types of assignments of prepared models, such as:

  • Time budget
  • Assignment letter
  • Discontinuity letter
  • Work programme
  • Draft Report of the Administrative Body
  • Document design of valuation rules
  • Letter of Confirmation
  • Report of the Reveneur
  • ...

The documents are automatically merged with the file data, so there is no need to open the Word document to complete the document.



1.3   Forms

Follow-up of the forms necessary to obtain the information necessary for the performance of the contract.
The forms are different for each type of assignment.

  • Customer Data Sheet (depending on the type of customer)
  • Factsheet on the assignment
  • Checklist acceptance of the draw
  • Independence form
  • Declaration of independence (use a voting mechanism at company level)
  • Follow-up of compromising facts
  • Questionnaire for the follow-up of documents to be provided by the customer (interactive method)
  • Availability of resources
  • Situational control form
  • Follow-up after closure
  • ...

The forms are designed to be educational :

Depending on the answers to the questions, they indicate the risks and actions to be taken, or the documents required from the customer to ensure that the assignment runs smoothly.


1.4   AML

A contact management module (legal persons or natural persons) during the assignment makes it possible to encode the persons connected to the assignment with, inter alia, the information necessary for the AML module:

  • Address
  • Date of birth and place of birth
  • Mandatary
  • Risk and commentary
  • Shareholder (+ percentage of shares)
  • Beneficial owners
  • Administrator
  • PPP + Proof of PPP Screening Software
  • Identity card (with date and number)

Presence of all forms and the generation of necessary documents, such as:

  • Individual AML analysis
  • Customer-specific AML analysis form
  • Automated generation of identification and verification of the identity of the customer document
  • Automated generation of identification and verification of the identity of the mandatary document
  • Automated production of the beneficial ownership declaration document

Forms adapted to the type of customer:

  • Football
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Real estate activities
  • Gold and precious metals
  • Catering
  • Construction
  • ...



1.5   New features

  • Auto-generating and document management without having to open Word software
  • An online word processor editor (web) is integrated into the software, so you don't have to download, change with Microsoft Word, and then upload.
  • Automatic PDF generation
  • Preparation of emails (with your email application) for customers (managing the relevant choice of sending PDF or Word file if the customer needs to change the document)
  • Centralisation of all documents in a single place by category. Forms are considered documents.
  • Manage archiving with reminder in dashboards.
  • Contact management module: manages the contact tree (companies – natural persons)
  • Management of Highlights
  • Adds a dynamic task during the command such as:
    • Note to a colleague
    • Task validation task with the possibility of a directive to rework the task
    • Add roadside tasks when needing an EQR (in the same command)
    • ...

1.6   Managing the declaration of independence


  • Ability to use the integrated tool to automatically send a declaration of independence survey to all involved in the company.
  • Answer three questions and one signature per PIN to ensure that the company meets the standard.
  • This makes it possible to track down who may or may not have responded, as well as feedback from the survey.

1.7  Input management module

For all assignments requiring the management of contributions, a module allows to manage all types of contributions, such as:

  • Receivables
  • Real estate
  • Material fixed asset
  • Intangible fixed asset
  • Effects
  • Universality of goods

Each type of contribution has its forms of questions and requests from custom documents.

The documents submitted shall be provided with an evaluation form using a system to request the necessary relevant information, such as:

  • For an agreement:
    • Date of the Agreement
    • Identity of persons
    • Special condition
  • For a claim
    • Identity of creditors
    • Amount
  • ...


Missions-Manager applications

In addition to the software itself, there are a few other important points to bear in mind :

  • Increase your productivity
  • Work on your files more efficiently
  • Simplify all your day-to-day procedures
  • Adapted to your firm's objectives
  • Make your day-to-day operations more profitable

But also, an important part of Missions-Manager is :

  • Any information from the customer’s file or my assignment is recoverable in a document, report or statistics
  • Ability to manage your own documents very easily with merge fields
  • To create forms, a simple structured Excel file to fill in and offer the software
  • Easy to share settings between companies
  • Shared knowledge database that can be fed by the community.

Specialised dashboard for monitoring your assignments :

  • Follow-up in large phases with integrated deadlines
  • Monitoring progress of the entire contract and step by step:
    • Number of tasks already performed
    • Number of remaining tasks
    • Number of overdue tasks
    • Number of tasks waiting for another
  • Color that displays the current tasks:
    • White: nothing done yet
    • Yellow: we have started working
    • Red: we're too late
    • Green: everything is done
  • From the header we enter the assignment
  • From a phase, a task is performed directly without entering the assignment.
  • Follow-up of orders to be archived
  • Filter by commands

Each mission model is linked to one or more official ISQM procedural models.

  • A risk response expects a certain number of tasks to be carried out
  • Tasks are directly linked to risk responses
  • Carrying out the tasks in the mission automatically activates the risk responses in a transparent way, knowing which risk it resolves
  • The manager looks at the work-oriented mission, while the ISQM manager looks at the same risk-oriented mission and risk responses.

A knowledge management module enables the firm to enhance its knowledge in the context of complex situations linked to certain categories of clients and assignments.

In addition, the database is linked to a community database already containing more than 1,300 articles, all categorised and marked with keywords to make it easier to find what you're looking for.

These articles and notices come from information sourced from

  • ICCI website
  • ITAA journals
  • The book of opinions of the Legal Committee of the Institut des Réviseurs d'Entreprises (1988-2012)

Example of keywords :

  • AML
  • AG
  • Arbitration
  • Patent
  • Crypto-currency
  • Pension funds
  • Fees
  • Examining magistrate
  • Trainee auditor
  • Holiday pay and index
  • Syndic/copropriété
  • Usufruct
  • ...

The timesheet in missions-manager is an integrated tool that lets you see how much time you, your team or your firm spend on each task in a project or file.

  • Managing the time spent on the assignment in real time when it is realised (it is not necessary to encode the time at the end of the week)
  • Ability to predict the average time per task to calculate the workload of the company, a person, a job...
  • The flat-rate management compares the time required with the time actually spent.
  • Management of worksheets outside assignments (administrative work, research, improvement of procedures...)
  • Ability to encrypt worksheets for clients who do not have a legal assignment.
  • Ability to encrypt the time spent on the work done for another company in its network.
  • Follow-up of the filling of all his days of the week.
  • ...

Invoicing in Missions-Manager is an integrated tool that allows you to invoice your clients according to the timesheets your team or firm devotes to each task on a project or file.

  • Management of flat-rate and time-dependent invoicing.
  • Comparison between what was invoiced and the time actually spent (valued by the employee’s cost)
  • Price management by category to directly adjust all prices of costs in the context of indexation or voluntary increases.
  • Managing the different hourly costs of employees.
  • Items dedicated to the package, deposit, invoicing closure for automated calculation.
  • Integration of billing task into the thought-out template to recall when to invoice with a direct link to the billing module and an automatic calculation of the amounts to be billed.
  • Traditional management tools: unpaid, finished, credit note, reminder...

In this section, we will talk about the tasks involved in managing mandates through a :

Management of the "Acceptance (C3 component)" part in the same way as a special assignment :

  • Basic document
  • Acceptance
  • AML
  • Survey for declarations of independence
  • ...

Management of the “Implementation (component C4)” section as in the ISQM

  • We do everything in one place, no need to do the actions in the ISQM part
  • We manage the time spent
  • We manage the highlights
  • We have access to the knowledge management module
  • ...

Our company is continuing to make the necessary developments so that auditors can monitor their practices in line with their objectives, the standards and the procedures in force.
We are currently implementing the integration of all invoicing on a fixed-price or TimeSheet basis, depending on the client's assignment files.
Of course, we remain vigilant to the many demands of auditors and firms, and to standards, in order to provide professional and specialised software for the entire profession.

Languages Missions-Manager

We currently work mainly with the following languages: FR – NL – EN
Demo languages : FR – NL – EN
The following languages are also available:
PL – DE – AR – BG – CN – HR – DA – ES – ET -FI – EL – HU – GA – IS
IT – JPN – LV – LT – ML – NO – PT – RO – RU SK – SL – SV – CS – TR – UK

From 10 October 2023, we will be introducing

A mechanism for any ” JOINT REQUEST ” with a simultaneous order
and a simultaneous signature by several firms.
ESOMUS is introducing a 20% discount which will be granted
only on the setup of each practice that signs simultaneously.
At the time of the request, each firm’s purchase order must be signed within 10 days of the joint request.


Thank you very much.

We would like to thank all our customers for their trust.
.It’s a real pleasure and a challenge to bring your business requirements to the fore.
We would also like to thank all our partners and our entire team
our team, who are on hand to support you with the
ISQM-Manager and/or MISSIONS-Manager.
We are also constantly innovating and developing the tools you need
to make you even more efficient day after day.

Thank you for your confidence in us.

Working with Missions-Manager

Missions-Manager subscription

If you would like to use our software based on business experience, please contact us for more information.