BE - 4460 Horion-Hozémont
+ 32 00 0471 49 34 11

Management of all your missions


Your Missions-Manager subscription

To get and use the new Missions-MANAGER software, several phases are required, which are set out below.
They are described to provide you with information on how to obtain the Missions-Manager software.

Phase 1

ESOMUS will receive an email regarding your subscription from the site

Following your subscription and according to the information received, we will send you an email with an offer complete with its appendices.
We shall await your approval of the signed online offer.
Then ESOMUS will send you the first invoice based on the information received as set out in the signed offer.
Advance invoicing applies for use of the software.

Phase 2

After confirming your offer and making advance payment of the invoice :

  • ESOMUS will process your request and create your CUSTOMER account.
  • As soon as we receive your payment and the invoice has been paid in full :
    • In the days that follow, we will organise your "TECHNICAL SET-UP".
    • We can offer you different training courses :
      • Basic training for users of the ISQM Manager software
      • Support with the configuration of the ISQM Manager software

After payment of your first invoice, which will include several items and according to the applicable rates, ESOMUS grants you a non-transferable and non-exclusive license for use of the Missions-MANGER for the number of users provided for in your subscription request and set out in the specifications of the offer sent.

  • The license and the subscription start within twenty working days following the payment of the first subscription invoice. (See the section on deployment).
  • The license and use of the Missions-Manager software is payable in advance and the subscription.
  • An increase in the cost of the subscription could be made on the first of January of every new year.

The first year :

Your subscription will include :

  • A fee for the technical set-up (1X, non-recurring)
    • A discount will be offered if you already have Isqm-Manager
  • Optional:
    • Basic training
    • Support and configuration
  • A monthly license cost for use of the Missions-Manager per user
  • A monthly fee for management of servers / backup / data per user
  • A monthly fee for the maintenance and updates of the Missions-MANAGER software versions per client

The second year :

Your subscription will include :

  • A monthly license cost for use of the Missions-Manager per user
    • Deduction of free months, if there was an advance payment of your subscription
  • A monthly fee for management of servers / backup / data per user
    • Adaptation of the amount of data as requested and/or in case of an overrun
  • A monthly fee for the maintenance and updates of the Missions-Manager software versions per client

The following years :

Your subscription will include :

  • A monthly license cost for use of the Missions-Manager per user
    • Deduction of the remaining free months, if there was an advance payment of your subscription
  • A monthly fee for management of servers / backup / data per user
    • Adaptation of the amount of data as requested and/or in case of an overrun
  • A monthly fee for the maintenance and updates of the Missions-Manager software versions per client

Too :

  • Option of obtaining :
    • additional support for configuration per number of service days and as requested.
    • Additional training for the "Master" and/or for all your staff /user per number of service days as requested.
    • Aadditional data per subscription as requested.
    • Services as requested.

Payment methods :

  • The invoicing of your licence and subscription will be done in advance and is annual.
  • The invoice will be sent in advance the month of the subscription.
  • In case of upgrades to services, purchasing of service days, functionality upgrades, adaptations to data and /or other requests :
    • An invoice will also be sent and will be payable on account.
  • Each invoice is exclusive of VAT and payable on account.
  • All of our prices are in EUROS and are exclusive of VAT; VAT in Belgium is 21%.
  • The CUSTOMER must pay all invoices to ESOMUS for use of the services and its subscription to the ISQM Manager in order to access the software and its account.

Initial Information :

Missions-Manager will be officially rolled out from 1 October 2023.

  • Initial information from the Missions-Manager software will be provided as early as September 2023.
  • Following this large-scale deployment and so as not to penalise any CUSTOMER and/or user concerning the valid term of your Missions-Manager subscription, it will be the date of receipt of the software and your access codes to it that will be the official reference for the anniversary date of your subscription.
  • A schedule will be proposed.


  • In terms of lead times, the deployment process normally takes a few days, but this lead time will also depend on your ability to mobilise the resources of your company, firm and/or network (availability, information, data, etc.) to properly implement this deployment.



1 : Technical set-up

The technical set-up takes place once only and is used to create your CUSTOMER account depending on your company, firm and/or network.
There is a set fee for SET-UP. This set fee is requested for each installation and includes the following items :

  • Creating the Customer account
  • Creating the database on the servers
  • Providing access with:
    • Administrative management of the number of licenses ordered for your company
    • There is a set fee for set-up depending on the number of users.
    • Start-up training for your customer account, offered by Esomus ( +/-2 hours )
    • A discount will be offered if you already have Isqm-Manager

2 : Training courses :

Basic training for users

At the start of your subscription, we recommend basic training for all users on how to use the Missions-Manager software.

  • To familiarise yourself with this new IT tool.
  • This basic training is considered essential.
  • Contact Esomus to arrange a schedule.
  • Each training course will be delivered over two hours.
  • Training will be provided within your company or on the premises designated by Esomus and/or our partner, where applicable.

Advanced training for the " Master "

We recommend advanced training for one user and/or one manager within your company who will be defined as the "MASTER".
This person will be the point of contact with the most in-depth knowledge of the ISQM Manager software within your company, firm and/or network.

  • To familiarise yourself with this new IT tool.
  • This "MASTER"-type training is considered essential to assist users within your company.
  • Contact Esomus to arrange a schedule.
  • Each training course will be delivered over two hours.
  • Training will be provided within your company or on the premises designated by Esomus and/or our partner, where applicable.

It is the "MASTER" who will be able to support and train your other users internally and will also be the point of contact in case of requests to the Help desk.
If necessary, we can also offer support to the "MASTER" with the configuration of the software.

If the Missions-Manager software and/or its new features change: ESOMUS will also be able to provide the necessary training:

  • To users
  • To the "MASTER"

For all other requests, we remain at your disposal to assess your requirements together and draw up a price offer.

Support with configuration

With your subscription, we also offer support with configuration of the ISQM Manager software. To perfect your knowledge of the ISQM Manager software, we can provide support to the "MASTER" for the required period of time for:

  • Configuration of your CUSTOMER account
  • Use of the ISQM Manager software.
  • Training will be provided per hour or based on a 5-hour package

We feel this configuration is necessary to ensure a good start using the right information and establishing good practices for use of this new tool.

It is recommended that it is the "MASTER" who gets this configuration support and so becomes the "point of contact" user within your company for the ISQM Manager software.
Configuration of your ISQM Manager will take place exclusively by video conference using tools such as: ZOOM, TEAMS, SKYPE, MEET and/or others.

  • A schedule will be proposed for the configuration, as requested
  • Configuration support will be invoiced at the applicable hourly rate per hour worked.
    • Invoicing will be on a pro rata basis for the requested number of hours.
    • A reduction in the hourly rate is available when purchasing a minimum of five hours' support paid for in advance.
    • An invoice will be submitted for all approved requests.
    • You will need to contact ESOMUS to arrange configuration support.
  • The configuration will be provided either by ESOMUS and/or one of its partners.


1 : The ISQM Manager license :

Your licence covers the use of the MISSION-MANAGER tool for each user in your CUSTOMER account, depending on your company, the office and/or the network.

FULL licence : The licence for your Missions-Manager includes all the functions needed to monitor the quality of all your missions. This includes the management of the actions to be implemented, the monitoring of the work of your tasks and those of your collaborators via dashboards, document management and the monitoring of all incidents both during client missions and during the daily life of the firm.

2 : The costs of the servers

In addition to the licence fee, there is a cost for maintenance, server data and regular backups as well as version upgrades.
There is a set MONTHLY fee for the cost of this management per user for managing your databases, regular manual and/or automatic backups as well as maintaining these servers.

  • To avoid additional start-up costs, the size of the servers is adapted to your Customer account.
  • Then depending on the growth in the number of documents, the data added, the servers and the backups, maintenance will be adapted and increased with a step-by-step deployment.
  • This item includes : Backups / server load with data / maintenance for these services.

The CUSTOMER and/or the user who exceeds the number of gigabytes allocated to their CUSTOMER account will have :

  • This item adapts automatically and will be invoiced by ESOMUS as soon as it is exceeded.
  • An invoice will be sent including adaptation of additional data at the applicable rate.
  • Please consult us concerning other server data loads or capacities.

If ESOMUS and/or its partner should change supplier for managing these servers, backups and maintenance,
whether it is :

    • To enhance service
    • To improve machine performance
    • To improve service through high performance
    • To enhance the speed of processors and data access
    • Through technological optimisation
    • Through a new security standard.

The cost of the maintenance package will be adapted accordingly either during the year and/or on the 1st of January of the following year when your subscription is renewed.

SERVER costs will be presented to you in the offer in the form of a MONTHLY fee that will be sent to you when you subscribe to ISQM Manager.

3 : Maintenance of the Missions-Manager software

As part of your subscription, there is an item relating to maintenance of the Missions-Manager software. This digital maintenance requires regular monitoring.

  • This maintenance is set up to resolve IT problems or to add new features to guarantee the effective organisation of the Missions-Manager.
  • This maintenance also ensures the health of the system and many other configuration settings necessary for the correct operation of the Missions-Manager.

Our employees maintain corrective maintenance to respond to bugs and determine the optimal operating approach on a daily basis.

Furthermore, together with our partners, we have implemented technical developments in the Missions-Manager, which consist of identifying changes and new features that can be added to optimise performance and also pre-empt critical cases in detecting problems and preventing technical glitches.

The Missions-Manager software will be regularly updated by industry experts as required, according to changes in the Missions-Manager and/or improvement analyses of the standard.

1 : Training during the setup (+/- Missions2 hours, Offered free of charge by Esomus)

  • Creating a user and assigning rights
  • Explanation of Role Management
  • Creating a client
  • Creation of a mission
  • Establishment of a procedural model
  • Explanation of the implementation of the documents with the procedural start-up model
  • Explanation of the types of actions
  • Management of key points (anomalys, incidents...)
  • Use of dashboards

2 : User training (3h)

  • Password and pin code management
  • Creating a client and setting up a client mission
  • Monitoring missions via dashboards
  • Explanation of the types of actions
  • Supervision of n-1s via dashboards
  • Management of key points (anomalys, incidents...)

Other advanced training on request.

All training courses:

  • For the training offered by ESOMUS at the start of SETUP, more than 40 km from Liège, the training will take place exclusively by videoconference.
  • In Belgium, the training will be given in your company, in vidéo or in the premises defined by Esomus and/or our partner, if applicable
  • Outside Belgium, the training will be given mainly by video conference and/or according to your request in your company or your premises, with the addition of all transport, hotel and/or other expenses.

The Missions-Manager software initially offers the following languages: French, Dutch and English.
The Missions-Manager tool is designed to include the maximum number of languages for each Customer and/or users.

Other languages such as: German, Italian, Spanish, ... or other languages that can be integrated as requested.

  • At the request of a CUSTOMER and/or user, it can provide all the text / words and necessary translations for each language and integrate them into your Missions-Manager according to the desired languages.
  • If we are requested to complete a translation, an analysis must be carried out to define the translation costs, deployment and production for this new language.
  • We remain available to increase the number of Missions-Manager languages so that each user can work in their own language and/or country.

To provide support, we are setting up the help desk defined under the following conditions :

  • Requests will be submitted by the Customer's "Master".
  • Limited to 4 requests per month for the first 3 months
    • + 2 additional requests if the basic and advanced training are ordered with the Missions-Manager subscription
  • Limited to 2 requests per month in subsequent months.
  •  sous forme de ticket par mois les mois suivants.
  1. The CUSTOMER or the "MASTER" will be the request manager in order to filter and thus avert them :
    • Duplicate requests
    • An increase in your costs if the limits described above are exceeded.

Over and above this quota of hours, requests will be invoiced per support request or deducted from services purchased in advance.

We are putting in place: 3 types of support :

Type 1: a support contact :

  • A request is equal to an encoding of a ticket.
  • Each ticket is defined for a maximum duration of 15 minutes.
  • Answer questions about the use or configuration of the software.
  • It is mandatory to encode your application/ticket:
    • in the management of requests to have a trace for follow-up.
    •  It is Esomus that reminds the Customer if necessary.

Type 2: a Bug contact :

  •  It is mandatory to use Tickets.
  • There is obviously no limit to the number of applications.
  • If the bug prevents you from carrying out certain actions in your daily life.
  • More information can be obtained by calling for an opinion on the resolution.
  • But only if the problem is significant and within business hours.
  • ATTENTION: In the first 2 cases of contact,
    • it can only be done by “Master” people, (not end users).During working hours by phone or at any time in request management.
    • Allows you to get answers to questions how how to use or configure the software.
    • Before calling, it is advisable to first log it in request management for tracking, in this case, this counts as a single request.

In the first 2 contact scenarios, it can only be carried out by "Master" individuals, not end users.

Type 3: an emergency call contact :

  • When the whole system is locked and you are no longer able to work.
    • Where this is the case, you must log a request (Tickets) beforehand
      • (except in cases of extreme urgency) and follow up with a phone call.
  • NOTE : This call can only be made during working hours.
  • If the emergency takes place outside working hours :
    • Then it can only be given by one person recognised by the CUSTOMER, it is recommended that this is the "MASTER".
  • Any abuse of this last rule will be invoiced at the applicable hourly rate depending on the length of the call + a flat-rate fee in euros exclusive of VAT.

Over time and use of the Missions-Manager software, there will certainly be requests and/or new objectives from :

  • Customers / Users / Services / Firms / Networks / Industry taxes / New needs and/or objectives of the CUSTOMER and/or the standard.

To ensure your new tool is up to date and meets these new requirements and/or the standard and for the purposes of continuous improvement, any request must be submitted to ESOMUS for analysis.

Consequently, to include these new features in the ISQM Manager software and in keeping with this new development ethos and the extent of requests, we will need to carry out a functional analysis to define the needs, requirements and relevance of including them quickly and/or according to specific objectives of the standard and/or requirements.

Then, if it relaters to an enhanced feature and/or integration of new features, it is possible to price this adaptation. These new features that are to be integrated are likely to result in an increase in the cost of your subscription license.

Set out below is a list of all the services relating to ISQM Manager :

Set out below is information about Esomus :


Rue de l'arbre à la Croix, 293 à 4460 Horion-Hozémont
BE0723595056 - FINTRO : BE03 1431 0729 0084

Tél. : + 00 32 (0)4 265 61 92 - Mobile : + 00 32 (0)471 49 34 11

Mail :
Web Site :

Useful information :

  • A CUSTOMER may have multiple Missions-Manager users within their company, firm and/or network.
  • One user is equivalent to one license and vice versa.
  • All online approvals of the offer sent will be considered effective.
  • Payment can be made on account and directly online
  • All subscription and license invoices must be paid  in advance to the ESOMUS account.
    • Any payment, even a part payment,  officially constitutes acceptance of the quotation and/or the offer and all its appendices.
    • All subscriptions are valid for one year and are automatically tacitly renewed on the anniversary date.
  • An invoice will be sent at least one month before the anniversary date of the contract.
  • All of our prices are in euros and are exclusive of VAT; VAT in Belgium is 21%.
  • For the organisation of all training courses / configuration, contact with ESOMUS.
  • It is possible that over time the Missions-Manager software will be upgraded with new features useful for your business and/or compliance as a result of the standard adapting, so you will be notified either by email and/or by some other information channel, as prices could be adapted accordingly.
  • All new invoices for services are and will be payable on account and directly to the ESOMUS account upon receipt.
  • The contents of the offer that will be submitted to you, its appendices and/or its terms and conditions remain confidential.
  • If you accept the offer received, you also accept all the conditions of the offer, the financial terms, the appendices and the general terms and conditions of sale without any limitation.
  • All documents such as an offer, a new offer, the information describing the offers and/or relating to the Missions-Manager tool, the appendices, all the documentation as well as the general terms and conditions of sale may be subject to amendment without notice and/or official announcement.
  • For more information, please contact: ESOMUS:
  • Your subscription request must be made using the online request sent to you.
  • Redirect link for online subscription: SUBSCRIPTION